Most trees (but not all) do best planted in late fall or early winter.
As temperatures start to climb we hear this question a lot. During the summer months new plants will require a little more watering and attention. We recommend that you water plants less frequently, but soak them longer. This tends to be better than lightly watering plants daily. If it is really hot out plants may require watering 2 or 3 times a week. A good rule of thumb is plants need equivalent to 1 inch of rainwater a week.
Both have their advantages. Mulch is better for the plants as it provides nutrients to the plants as it breaks down and retains water longer. Gravel helps out with preventing weeds growing and over time saves money from yearly mulching. Gravel is a higher upfront cost, but takes about 3 years before you break even from yearly mulching. Both do not eliminate weeds, but they do cut down on them. We recommend applying a pre-emergent early in the growing season and then do some hand-pulling throughout the summer. It just depends on if you like the natural look or if you prefer less maintenance.
Yes, you can lay grass seed if you find the need. Especially if you have empty spots. However, soil temperature is colder in the spring which makes for slower germination, and weed pressure is higher in the spring. So the short answer is yes, but the best time to plant grass seed is going to be late summer, or early fall.
We can start planting in the end of April. We do not do this before because there is a chance of frost, which could damage or harm the plants.
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